Our Vision

Imagine a world where at the heart of every community, village, or neighborhood is a thriving arts venue—a gathering place where you can bring your entire family and meet up with friends of all ages to experience heart-warming, soul-stirring, life-affirming live performances that connect you with your humanity on a regular basis.

In this version of our world, a neighborhood’s arts and culture center is as important as its city hall and community members feel it as the beating heart of their society.

Members of the Silkroad Ensemble: Kinan Azmeh, Haruka Fujii, Karen Ouzounian at Noe Music January 2024

Our Mission

Based in an intimate neighborhood setting in the heart of San Francisco, Noe Music combines world-class live performances with interactive education to build musical knowledge, foster community, and nurture an abiding love for a range of collaborative acoustic musical styles.

With a deep appreciation for both traditions of the past and today’s most innovative voices, Noe Music is a cultural hub for new artistic collaborations both near and far. Excellence, inclusivity, depth, and intimacy are the core values that guide our programming, helping us expand the communities we serve and build a future in which the arts exist at the center of our society.

We aim to serve SF families holistically through mainstage concerts, kids concerts tailored to young ears, in-school workshops, and the Lullaby Project, creating meaningful musical experiences for every stage of life.

Musicians and mothers from Noe Music’s Lullaby Project perform at a Mother’s Day Concert, May 2023

Who We Are

Meena Bhasin
Co-Artistic and Executive Director

Owen Dalby
Co-Artistic and Executive Director

Board of Directors

Charlotte Burchard, President
Ray Walton, Vice President
Emi Uyehara, Secretary
Neil Sekhri, Treasurer
Meena Bhasin
Owen Dalby
Carol Harris
Andrea Higgins
Jackie Holen
Todd Hosfelt
Ilya Levtov
Gayle Tsern Strang
Steve Suda

Advisory Board

Jeremy Geffen
Jake Heggie
Randall Kline
John L. Meyer

Contact us.

(415) 648-5236

1021 Sanchez Street
San Francisco, CA 94114